Eskatologie in die Evangelie van Lukas

  • Michael Wolter Universiteit van Bonn / Noordwes-Universiteit (Potchefstroom)
Keywords: Eschatology, Gospel of Luke, Lucan eschatology, Ethics


Eschatology in the Gospel of LukeIn unfolding his eschatology the author of the Gospel of Luke acknowledges that the final fate of mankind and of the world has not come about and that the Christians are still waiting for the parousia of the Son of man. The eschatology of Luke is primarily determined by quality and not so much by time. Eschatological life means to live as if Jesus could come at any time. This means that in terms of time eschatology is absorbed in ethics. Apart from that the eschatological thinking is developed as part of Luke’s Christological thinking.

Author Biography

Michael Wolter, Universiteit van Bonn / Noordwes-Universiteit (Potchefstroom)
Navorsingsamewerker Noord-Wes Universiteit