Care to the human “soul” in contemporary theological theory formation. From “kerygmatics” to “fortigenetics” in a pastoral anthropology

  • D.J. Louw Stellenbosch University
Keywords: Cura animarum, Fortigenetics, Parrhesia, praxeology of habitus, praxis of God, pastoral anthropology


ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The core problem: whether a theological paradigm in theory formation for a pastoral anthropology, derived from, and coming from the very positivistic stance of orthodoxy, is appropriate for counselling people within processes of change, transformation, deconstruction and relativity? The question to be posed is whether the traditional kerygmatic model for a pastoral anthropology (cura animarum; the human soul as substance), or the psychotherapeutic model of self-analyses (the human soul as a psychic phenomenon to be observed empirically) can deal effectively with existential life issues within the new global context of postmodernity? A spiritual hermeneutical approach is proposed. In this regard the notion of habitus and parrhesia can play a decisive role in a constructive and realistic pastoral care model.********AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Teorievorming in die pastrorale teologie benodig ‘n fundamentele wysigingin paradigmas grondliggend aan ‘n pastorale antropologie. ‘n Positivistiesemodel, gebaseer op ‘n pessimistiese lewensbeskouing en ‘n substansiële sieningvan die mesnlike siel, pas nie in by die vraagstuk van sin/betekenis binne dienetwerkprosesse van globaliserende denke met die aksent op dekonstruksie,relatiwiteit, verandering en transformasie nie. ‘n Paradigmaskuif vanaf diekerugmatiese en die kliënt-gesentreerde fenomenologiese model na ‘n spiritueelhermeneutiesemodel word voorgestel. In diè verband kan die konstrukte van habitusen parrhesia ‘n deurslaggewende rol speel in die vestiging van ‘n konstruktiewelewenshulpmodel.