Die Algemene Sinode van 2007 en die gereformeerde identiteit van die NG Kerk

  • PJ Strauss
Keywords: Gereformeerde identiteit, Alleen die genade, geloof, Skrif en Christus, Calvyn teoloog van die Heilige Gees, Belydenis het gesag in geloof wat bely word, Reformed identity, Only through grace, faith, Scriptures and Christ, Calvin theologian of the Holy Spirit, Creeds have authority in the faith it confess.


The General Synod of 2007 and the reformed identity of the Dutch Reformed Church.Apparent dissension on core ecclesiastical issues prompted the General Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church of 2007 to take decisions on the reformed identity of this church. A study by one of its commissions on the subject was accepted. In this study, matters such as salvation through grace, faith, Scripture and Christ alone (the so-called 4 solas); the importance of the work of the Holy Spirit, the content of the reformed confessions and a distinction between church and kingdom, are explained.The Synod also accepted that the solas should be reinterpreted in each period of time. Church unity does not imply that members should think or behave in the same way in all facets church life.