Ubi caritas est vera, deus ibi est… The Lord’s Prayer – God’s present future

  • Elsabé Kloppers
Keywords: The Lord’s Prayer, Daily bread, Deliver us from evil, Kingdom


The article is the second in a series examining the Lord’s Prayer with a view to constructing a sermon on the prayer. In the first article the origin and setting of the prayer, as well as the address and the you-petitions of the prayer were examined. In this article the we-petitions and the doxology are explored. In a third article these insights come together in the construction of a concept sermon and liturgy, incorporating material from ecumenical resources. In the you-petitions the eschatological dimension dominates, whereas the ethical dimension comes more into focus in the we-petitions. It is argued that the biggest challenge in constructing a sermon and liturgy on the Lord’s Prayer is to keep the fundamental dependency and unity of the eschatological and the ethical dimensions together.