De redelijkheid van de christelijke theologie

  • Antonie Vos Leuven/Dordrecht


The reasonableness of Christian theology For many years Vincent Brümmer (* 1932) was the youngest professor in the theological faculty of the University of Utrecht (1967-97). His was not only a boyish style, but he also reformed profoundly the philosophical training in the department of philosophy of religion and ethics. His analytical approach to philosophy of religion influenced very much doing philosophy of religion in The Netherlands and abroad, but we have not only questions of meaning, but also issues of truth. The history of religion and theology, of culture and society, of the sciences and the humanities between the century of the New Testament and about 1800 show immense influences elicited by the Christian faith. There is also the history of the philosophia Christiana pointing out that the best possible Person must exist and that the best possible Person acts in the best possible way by coming into his world as God incarnate. We know who He is, because only Jesus cracked the reality of the life and thinking of the archaic and ancient religions and philosophies.