Christelle Bekker
H. Jurgens Hendriks
Ekofeminisme, Huishouding, Patriargie, Gender, Heling, Gasvryheid, Jakobus, Eco feminism, Household, Patriargalism, Healing, Hospitality, James
The article is an eco-feministic interpretation of James. It has the followinghypotheses: the transformation of the patriarchal family is the key to thetransformation of society. If friendship is the baseline structure of the relationshipbetween people who understand their identity as being the missional body of Christ,equality and hospitality will result, creating space for congregations to be placeswhere healing can take place and people can experience freedom. The concepthousehold is defined and the implications of being a household of God, based on keyconcepts in James, provide more than twenty parameters for a theory of ministry.