The church as alternative community and the struggle for liberation in the work of David Bosch

  • Cobus Van Wyngaard
Keywords: David Bosch, Anabaptism, Liberation Theology, Alternative Community, Apartheid


The church as alternative community remains a key aspect in understanding the work of David bosch, while some of the most important critique of his work emerged from liberation theology. by exploring Bosch’s use of the relationship between Jesus and the Zealots in his reflection on the alternative community, the article will argue that Bosch not only sees his own work as standing close to that of liberation theologians, but also that Bosch worked with a very narrow interpretation of liberation theology. Also under discussion are some aspects of what Bosch believed the role of this alternative community should have been amidst apartheid, while the lack of concrete analysis for how this might contribute to the liberation of people is emphasized.
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